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Carrie Leigh, publisher, photographer, NUDE magazine

With a saddened heart I have to announce the closure of NUDE magazine as a quarterly publication.

As everybody knows, we are not advertising driven and have always relied on a tremendous sell-through rate in the major bookstores. The average magazine’s sell-through is 30% and we were always 60-80%. Now Borders has liquidated and Barnes & Noble has dramatically downsized its stores and distribution outlets around the world. As a publication dependent upon high sell-through numbers, this created a huge distribution problem.

Anyone who has seen a copy of NUDE knows we used the highest quality printing press utilizing plates and petroleum-based ink. Sadly, the $2.6 million printing press our printer used has lain dormant for the past year. I delayed this announcement as we sought alternative printing methods but to no avail. It is simply unaffordable in today’s world.

Over the course of the next few months, our accountants will review any outstanding orders and give compensation where due.

I want to thank everyone who has supported NUDE, including those who have been our friends since the first issue in Fall 2007.

Thank You
Carrie Leigh


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NUDE Box Set Year 2
In our store and selling fast. Anniversary box set - Year 2
Makes for a great Christmas gift too.

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©2008 Carrie Leigh's NUDE
All rights reserved